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Service Areas

Well Services Engineered. Cost effective powered with advance technology, our solution will maximize your result.


Bukitapit has over 15 years of experience in primary and remedial cementing services across Indonesia. As new technologies and techniques become available, many oil and gas companies are demanding new approaches to well cementing. Exploring high pressure, high temperature, deep gas potentials and having to comply with stringent environmental regulations drives the need to continuously improve cementing systems and equipment design





Bukitapit is the first Indonesian Company that offers full service hydraulic fracturing provider. Bukitapit provides slickwater solutions for fresh and high TDS brine applications, support for high viscosity friction reducer fracture fluid systems, along with all traditional industry applications of gel based, crosslink and energized fracturing needs. Treatment types and additives (such as surfactants, biocides and diverters) are customized to meet desired operational, treatment and production objectives.




Bukitapit has extensive coiled tubing

experience ranging from basic nitrogen lifting, fishing, milling, clean-out, scale removal, through

tubing plug setting and stimulation to horizontal logging and other complex well applications.


Bukitapit employs leading edge design software to predict coiled tubing string performance and fluid behavior at modelled down hole well conditions. The work history and integrity of each coiled tubing work string is continuously monitored and updated using an electronic data acquisition system coupled with real-time modelling and fatigue





Land based workover rigs can also be easily moved between well sites and different geographical areas of operation. Our rigs are primarly used as a service and maintenance


As an experienced drilling contractor, Bukitapit has provided workover rigs to some of Indonesia’s leading oil and gas companies.




Bukitapit has a long standing

experience in Nitrogen Operation, including Oil Well Lifting, Nitrified Foam Diverter, Leak Testing of Pipe lines in plants as well as during shutdown, Pig Launcher to clean the sub surface of pipelines, Station Purging etc





​Our R&D department countinuesly developing stimulation chemicals to deliver maximum results to you. Our 24/7 labs are equipped with the latest in the oil and gas industry. Our lab techinicians are trained and experienced in stimulation fields to helps you understand how to yield good result




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